Emily: Do you need the police, fire or ambulance (opening show) Libby: I’m a …(Sophie): Police Emily: Okay and what’s going on there? Libby: I’ve been kidnapped and I’ve been missing for ten years, and I’m (Sophie): I’m here, I’m free now! (audience reaction) Emily: Okay and whats your address? (Tick tock) Libby: 7 seymour avenue, (Sophie): gasp Emily: 7 seymour avenue? Libby: I can’t hear you.Emily: It looks like you’re calling from 22 seymour (audience reaction) Sophie: I’m with a neighbour I’m using their phone. Emily: Stay there with those people talk to the police when they get there Libby&Sophie: Ohh okay can you help me? (audience cheer) Emily: Okay talk to the police when they get there (audience cheer) Libby&Sophie: (excited) Okay, hello. Emily: Talk to the police when they get there. Libby: Okay are they on their way right now, I need them now. Emily: As soon as we can get a car open Sophie: No I need them now before he gets back. Emily: Alright we’re sending them okay? Sophie: Okay I mean like now Emily: Yeah who’s the guy, sorry who’s the guy that went out? Libby: Urrrmm his name is Emily: Alright how old is he? Libby: Urrggh he’s like 52 Emily: Alright and uhh Libby: I’ve been on the news for like ten years. Emily: Okay I got that. Sophie: With regina Emily: Alright and ughh, what was his name again? Libby: Urghh Emily: Is he white black or Hispanic? (tick tock) Sophie: Hispanic. Emily: What’s he wearing? (tick tock) Libby: I don’t know cos he’s not here right now, that’s how we ran away. Emily: When he left what was he wearing? Libby: Urghhh. What? Emily: The police are on their way, talk to them when they get there. Sophie: Okay, I need, okay Emily: I told you they are on their way. Talk to them when they get there. Sophie: Alright, Okay Emily: Thankyou Libby&Sophie: Bye (audience cheer) All: 0149 (Alarm goes off) End.